ROV (Roll Over Valve)

Vents the fuel tank during vehicle operation and parking. It prevents fuel leakage in all vehicle conditions: driving, parking, refueling, extreme environmental conditions or emergency situations including the event of roll over.

ROV (Roll Over Valve)

FLVV (Filling Level Venting Valve)

Vents the fuel tank during refueling defining the maximal fuel level and shutting off the filling process at the right time. It also prevents fuel leakage in all vehicle conditions: driving, parking, refueling, extreme environmental conditions or emergency situations including the event of roll over.

FLVV (Filling Level Venting Valve)

FLV (Filling Level Valve)

Vents the fuel tank during refueling, defining the maximal fuel level and shutting off the filling process.

FLV (Filling Level Valve)

ICV (Inlet Check Valve)

Prevents splash-back of fuel through the filler pipe during the re-fueling process.

ICV (Inlet Check Valve)

LVS (Liquid Vapor Separation)

Separates liquid fuel from fuel vapor and drains the liquid to the filler pipe; it facilitates recirculation during re-fueling.

LVS (Liquid Vapor Separation)

Liquid Traps

Separate liquid fuel from fuel vapor. They allow the liquid to accumulate and then drain it to the tank either passively or actively by incorporating a jet pump.

Liquid Traps

Combo Valve

Integrates several venting valves into one combined assembly unit.

Combo Valve

UPP (Under Pressure Protection)

Provides under pressure protection while purging the carbon canister and prevents over filling while re-fueling.

UPP (Under Pressure Protection)

Switch Valves

Shuts off the venting of the required valves during re-fueling to prevent over filling while facilitating recirculation.

Switch Valves

2K Flanges

Components injected in various techniques (2K, Reverse 2K & Co-injection). Enhances permeation resistance to meet advance emissions regulations

2K Flanges

FTIV (Fuel Tank Isolation Valve)

Isolates the vapor in the pressurized fuel tank and allow its release when required. It has a bypass which allows over pressure and under pressure release.

FTIV (Fuel Tank Isolation Valve)

Fuel Tank Valves

We offer an innovative, cutting edge line of integrated solutions – designed for venting and filling of fuel tanks, whether for gasoline, diesel, bio fuels and E-fuels. All designed for improved performance, reduced emissions and cost efficiency. Our products are adjusted and custom fitted to tank’s packaging constraints, complying with existing and future, global safety and regulatory emission requirements.

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